Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Vacation 2018 (Part Four)

We took one more drive through Bombay Hook before going down the peninsula toward Assateague NWR and Chincoteague NWR. 

This Turkey Vulture was standing by the side of the road.

This small snake was in the middle of the road.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to have an injury. We ended this quick drive through and soon we were on the road again heading south. 

We only stayed for about an hour at Assateague NWR, but we did see these two wild ponies. The horses were by the side of the road very near traffic.  The older horse seemed to be watching over the young one as it slept.  (Next photo.) We were told by a friend of Assateague that this was not the mama, but it was certainly sticking close to the little one. 

The woman we were speaking with said this little one was born on the 6th, so it was really just a little over two weeks old (at the time.)

Having completed a single drive through the park at Assateague, once again, we were on the road. We were headed for Chincoteague NWR. We still had some daylight left when we arrived that afternoon, so we took a spin through the refuge before checking into the hotel. 

Right away we saw a Delmarva Fox Squirrel

 Little Blue Heron

Snowy Egret and a Tri-Colored Heron

We couldn't believe our luck when we saw some ponies on our first run though. There have been times we've visited and only seen horses once or twice in the far distance

A Cattle Egret on the Wildlife Loop

Back at the hotel, our suite overlooked the bay.  The sky delivered!
Time for dinner and we were ready to call it a day.

To be continued...

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