This week, we decided to walk a little bit of the Litchfield Community Greenway.
Stopping every few minutes to make note of nature's details. Flowers, lichens, shadows on the tree.
With each walk, I try to notice everything, like this beautiful rose.
Buttercups were wide open and some had gone by. There still aren't a lot of wildflowers yet, but it won't be long.
We crossed a little footbridge. This is looking down a canal. Beavers have build dams and lodges on the other side of the fallen limb.
Bullhead Lily
Maybe "Yellow Pond Lily" sounds better?
The sky that day was beautiful blue and reflected so nicely off the water.
A close-up - It's such an interesting flower.
Remnants of a Lily
Ragged Robin
Eastern Kingbird
Dragonfly. I've never seen a black one with a white head. I need to get a book to ID them, I guess.
I think this is called Rosa multi-flora. It is invasive, but I love seeing them.
I believe this is called Lady's Smock. I've packed away most of my field guides. If I can just figure out which box I put them in, I might dig a few out. In the meantime, the Connecticut Botanical Society webpage is my "go to" site to try and sort it out.
I think this might be Arrowhead Viburnum, please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
Lower back issues force me to now shorten my nature walks, but I'm enjoying getting back into them again. I was sad to leave this place, but tomorrow is another day!
A little sparrow we saw by the edge of the road as we were leaving to head home.
See you next time!
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Litchfield Community Greenway
Connecticut's Greenways
Connecticut Botanical Society
Maybe I can join you on one of your walks! :-)
Well, that would be interesting, wouldn't it? :)
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