Friday, May 04, 2018

Vacation 2018 (Part Seven)

Morning rolled around and it was time to begin a new day.

The hotel room overlooked the bay and we saw this loon from our balcony. It hung around for a couple of days. 

Just before driving into the refuge, there is a bridge, and terns are a common sight there.

I enjoy watching them fly over water and then suddenly splash down.

Coming into the park, the horses were grazing.

This one was a little closer.

Our little friends were there again that day.

This Sika was eating. Sometimes we didn't even get completely into the park before we saw them on the other side of a guardrail. Fortunately, the traffic was light (and was sometimes non-existent), so we were able to stop on the road to see them.

Tri-Colored Heron

Belted Kingfisher

Glossy Ibis

Great Egret

Another pleasant and peaceful day came to an end.

To be continued...

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