Saturday, September 29, 2018

New York Vacation - Day 3

Hello out there,
Can you believe it's already autumn? I hope everyone is doing well.  Thank you for stopping by and visiting. It's been a little while since I've posted anything. I keep getting caught up in daily life, and before I know it, it's the end of the day and I'm too tired to care about anything that isn't sleep.  Things are going well here. We've made a few day trips - over to Hammonasset in Madison and down to Milford and Stratford. We're not seeing a lot of wildlife (some night herons and miscellaneous ducks mostly), but we did have a sighting of a Roseate Spoonbill in Connecticut! It is said to be a first for Connecticut. They're not supposed to be here. We spotted it at a place called Raven Pond in Stratford. Here is my photographic record that it was there and I was privileged to see it.


Okay, enough of that. Let's see more of our August vacation in Upstate New York. 

The fall flowers were on full display creating a spectacular feast for the eyes

I really love the warm colors of autumn, but in the back of mind, I know what's coming in a few short weeks! Brrrr

One of  Mother Nature's own flower arrangements

In the treetops, the Osprey would occasionally begin its repetitive "chirp, chirp, chirp." It's funny that these rather large birds have such tiny voices.

This Great Blue Heron was standing on the side of road. We drove past it slowly, so as not to startle it. Still visible in the rear view mirror, it was clear that the bird wasn't going anywhere.

In the top of a tree, this Egret was watching something in the sky

A Goldfinch was perched nearby

These Rose Mallows were everywhere. 

A Great Egret was perched on a stump and looking for a reason to pitch its head into the water. "Fish, where are you?"

This Cormorant would occasionally stretch its wings in an impressive display. I didn't manage to get a shot of it though.

And finally, to finish this post, this Tern was looking around ...

And these guys were getting restless as the day was coming to an end.

Thanks for looking. I'll be visiting some blogs this weekend and catching up a bit. 

Until next time.  😊


Ruth Hiebert said...

Wow! You got a good shot of a rare bird in your area. I would be thrilled with that. I love the rest of the pictures as well.

Geraldine said...

All beautiful photos but that first bird just dazzled me!🐔 Wow, so unique looking and pretty. Hope all of your travels are fun. Happy week to you.🐝😂🌼

sandy said...

I enjoyed part 3 - ..great photos. The birds - wow.