Saturday, June 16, 2018

Return to Flanders

We decided to return to Flanders Preserve to see if the baby Bluebirds had fledged yet.  Walking in, the beautiful perfume fragrance of wild roses filled the air, and the sounds of songbirds were all around us. 

The bushes across the pond were in full bloom and reflecting on the water.

With all the flowering plants there, I couldn't get over the lack of butterflies.

We did see some Bluebirds

But the young ones were still in the nesting box. Mom and Dad would come and go, bringing them insects to eat.


A not very good picture of a Bluebird

I spotted this frog 

And this dragonfly. This one was a pretty green and blue.

Heavily laden with blooms, the branches touched the water.

This Song Sparrow lived up to its name

Sighhhh... I want one of these rose bushes in my garden. I think they are considered invasive though and prohibited from distribution in CT, so none for me. 😊

Mama, looking around, making sure it's safe to head  back into the nesting box to feed her little ones.

Now joined by her mate, here are Mama and Papa together. We'll have to return again if we want to see the babies. 

As I was leaving, I shot this quick pic of the gate. The rails on the footbridge are also constructed with twisted vines. There used to be a bench, but it was gone. I suppose time and weather finally did it in. 

Till next time.

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