Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Vacation 2018 (Part Two)

The next day, we awoke to a nice day, but it slowly changed to grey skies and some periods of rain. After breakfast, we headed back to Bombay Hook NWR.

Driving into the refuge, we spotted this Great Egret perched on a dead tree limb.

Great Blue Heron.
I enjoy seeing these large birds in the trees.

 Mute Swan

We were going along and then... oops! Road block ahead!  It seems these vultures have claimed the road.  

After watching and waiting for awhile, we attempted to move forward. For some time, they just flew a short distance ahead of us, and then they would land again and again. Eventually, they let us pass.

Red-winged Blackbird

 Bald Eagles seemed to covet this spot. I lost count how many we saw.

This is kind of a crummy picture of a Common Yellowthroat, but I kept it for the memory.

 We spotted this Turkey Vulture yawning.

A Great Egret showing off its bright green lores.
That ended another day.

To be continued...

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