Sunday, August 12, 2018

Wings and Nature Things

I've been so lazy this summer and haven't gotten out much. When we do get out, we've been staying within just a few miles of home. We are talking about getting away soon though. 

This is a small lake up the road from where I live. It's usually people-free and I'm amazed that I don't see much wildlife there. 

We recently headed out to look for birds. 

 We wandered through the wildflowers

Queen Anne's Lace

We didn't see any birds that I could catch with the camera, but we did see some winged wonders

Joe Pye Weed

We saw and heard Bluebirds, Goldfinches, and Song Sparrows, but nobody wanted to pose for me

So, I had to be content with the wings of smaller creatures

This little one's head perked up, "I don't have wings, but you may take my picture."

I saw this tiny butterfly. Still no Monarchs, as of this visit, but I have since spotted three.  Hooray! 

*Shiver*... These critters are a marvel to look at, but they scare me to death. If you want to see me run and scream like a crazy woman, here is your recipe. 😊

We briefly stopped by the community garden. There was a caretaker there mowing the lawn around it and a woman tending to her plants in the garden. There were a few Goldfinches there, but they were camera shy.

The Finches love these Sunflowers. I need to get up there earlier - before other humans arrive. Maybe I'll have better luck with seeing some birds. 

Cosmos. Such a beautiful color.

Won't you sit for awhile? 
Not this visit, but maybe next time.
For now, we headed home. 


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh,you may not have captured the birds, but what you did get is so beautiful.

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Thank you, Ruth. I've been enjoying your photos, too. It's good to catch up with some long ago blogging friends.

sandy said...

Love the Joe Pye flower - hadn't seen one like that before. Great photos and enjoyed seeing through your lens.